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Holistic Support for 
Childhood Apraxia of Speech

Meet Tori
Tori Starling Appraxia of Speech Coach

Holistic Health Practitioner
Documenting Hope Health Coach
NES Health Bioenergetics Practitioner

​​Hello and welcome! I'm Tori -- a mom of three boys, holistic health practitioner, health coach, and author of the blog Jake's Journey with Apraxia, & the book Voice of Truth.


By the time my son was three, he was diagnosed with apraxia of speech, eight food allergies, ear infections, severe eczema & mild asthma. At age four, I took him to an integrative MD.


After a strategic plan was put into place, his speech significantly improved within three months. One year later, he tested out of apraxia. Thanks to the right support for apraxia of speech, he was able to enter kindergarten being able to talk to his classmates & learn with ease.


Going through this experience inspired me to help other moms who are feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, & heartbroken as they navigate childhood apraxia of speech. As a holistic health practitioner, I provide virtual health coaching & educational material to support moms dealing with apraxia of speech. I am not a medical doctor or speech-language pathologist (SLP).


Holistic health is the belief that the whole body works together, and is like a puzzle, where every piece -- from the body to the mind & spirit -- fits together.  My approach focuses on finding & addressing the root cause of symptoms & making lifestyle changes in order to support a child's health & development. The holistic apraxia process is a great add-on supplement to speech therapy.​

Get Started
hoistic apraxia of speech journey
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Test, Don't Guess

Can a root cause like nutritional deficiencies or methylation issues contribute to apraxia symptoms? Learn about lab tests typically available from your pediatrician, along with third-party options.

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Lower Total Load

Support the foundations of health, optimize detoxification & remove stressors with the intention of adding things that make the body stronger & subtracting things that make it weaker.

Simply Quantum

Applied quantum biology focuses on circadian rhythm, mitochondrial health, light, & electromagnetic frequencies. Learn the basics of how to support the body at the cellular level. 

Energy Medicine

Assess the human-body field with Energy4Life's bioenergetics hand scanning software. Balance energy flow through the meridians using Eden Energy protocols, infoceuticals, or other modalities. 

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Speech Therapy

Finding the right SLP & doing consistent work with your child at home is vital. Learn about the best types of speech therapy for apraxia & at-home speech therapy ideas from a mom's perspective.  

Reassess & Adjust

Review apraxia of speech symptoms after basics are in place. Discuss next-level goals, targeted holistic support, additional specialty therapy options, gut microbiome testing, &/or functional genomic testing.



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The Holistic Apraxia Blog

Explore Tori's authentic blog posts for moms who want to learn more about how to attack childhood apraxia of speech from all angles. Topics include: educational material on the holistic apraxia of speech process, research studies, and relevant re-posts from Jake's Journey with Apraxia, which was active from 2012-2016. Blog posts will be delivered 2-4 times a month to your email inbox. No spam, ever. 

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Copyright © 2025 Simply Holistic Solutions, LLC.  All Rights Reserved.​

The contents of this site are not meant to diagnose, cure or treat any condition. 


Simply Holistic Solutions, LLC provides general health information intended for educational & informational purposes only. The information on this website is not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or consultation with a medical professional. Always check with your child's physician, speech-language pathologist, dietician, nutritionist, or trusted healthcare professional(s) before trying or implementing any information obtained here.​

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